Directed By:
Lamberto Bava
Not Rated
Genre: Horror
Format Used: Netflix
Contains: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence
Country: Italy
Also Known As:
Dèmoni (original title)
Free movie tickets are more costly then they appear to be, as the doors to the theaters vanish (which is a clear fire code
violation) and the people are being possessed by demons and start killing the others. The odds start favoring the demons
as the humans are becoming fewer and fewer until only a handful remain and the question is, can any of them escape alive?
Now I have just one main problem with this movie. The plot, it's weak, very weak in fact. In my humble opinion it's more
of a premise and not really a plot. There was no story development, no character development. It's mainly running, hiding
and dying. I got to admit there are some impressive gore scenes but in my humble opinion I can only give Demons 3 STARS and
no more.

The story was too much of just a premise, I enjoy the characters interacting and there wasn't much of that. Plus I also enjoy
the motive of the bad guy and even demons have rules, they just can't steal unwilling souls and they never explain what happen
to the souls of the people the demons take over. So what was the point of the elaborate trap and what was the main goal of
the demons. They only thing I saw was a way to kill a bunch of people for no reason and that's just wrong. Everyone and
everything has a motive to kill. Revenge, greed, insanity or just plain old fashion wanting to eat. But there was no motive,
no reason and no real movie. And frankly I think Zedd was too generous to this Italian pile of crap, I give it, THE CRAP-O-LANTERN

+ EFFECTS (Plenty of gore effects to gore around)
+ CREATURE EFFECTS (The creature effects were impressive.)
+ ATMOSPHERE (It was scary.)
- STORY (Basically, there wasn't one. Just a premise, and that was throw a bunch a people in a movie theater and attack them
with demons.)
- WHY? (What was the motive behind this attack?)
- NO GOD (Plenty of demons but where was God and the Angels during all this?)
- CHARACTERS (Again, there wasn't any character development.)
- FAN BASED (If you aren't one for a movie that is basically a think premise and not a full blown story, then you won't like
this movie.)